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Pollution Aspects of the water sources in Sarida Catchment in Salfit area/West Bank

Since more than thirty years, the raw wastewater flow of the Areil settlement,  one of the largest settlement in the West Bank as well as other adjacent settlements is draining into the adjacent Palestinian wades, where the natural springs are emerging forming a river of wastewater. Therefore, the springs there are polluted from the wastewater and accordingly, the water quality results of these springs indicates that spring water is not fit for not only drinking -, but for agricultural purposes. The natural view of the Wadi was destroyed after the flows there.  A socio economic crisis was happened for the Palestinian communities in the adjacent Palestinian villages. For the majority of people who are living adjacent to the wastewater flow along the wades is so difficult for them to live and act in a normal way of living because of the environmental caused problems. Thus, a social, legal, economic and environmental study about these crises is of paramount importance to determine the extent of violations of international law committed by Israel, to establish its responsibility and to put forward means of reparation as well as environmental awareness campaigns.

The main objective of the research is to determine the pollution degrees on water sources of the Sarida Catchmnet in Salfit area/West Bank, pollution effects on the quality of surface water flow, groundwater wells and springs water that are located along the Wadi catchment that should be recognized. Studying the variations in water quality along the Wadi’s different stages also should be recognized. The effects of the wastewater flow on the social and economic aspects of resident’s life in the area should be shown. Study the social, legal, economic and environmental elements of the Sarida Catchment in order to translate the International law toward the Israeli violations to the Palestinian Environment in Sarida Catchment. This should be accompanied by environmental awareness campaigns.